This is my last official post for Indian Epics!
I have really enjoyed my time in this class this semester and I have
recommended many of my friends to take it in future semesters. Indian Epics was
a great break from some of my other classes. It has been a very low stress
class for me I think because I decided to start the week before classes officially
started so I have been a week ahead all semester.
If I were to
recommend something to anyone who takes this class in the future I would say
"DO THE EXTRA CREDIT!" The extra credit is not only fun, but it is a
nice way to reflect on the class and just life in general.
Out of all of the stories I have read throughout
the semester I loved the Jataka tales the most. The Jataka tales are something
that I will definitely carry away from this class. I loved reading them and how
each story had a specific lesson assigned to them. I also liked how there were
so many Jataka tales about turtles!
I was excited to take this class because I love
writing creatively, but I don’t ever have enough time with all of the other writing
I have to do for all of my other classes. I definitely was not disappointed! I think
Laura has done a great job with organizing this class and making all of the instructions
as clear as possible.
P.S. This past weekend I got my corgi puppy and
I named her Ruby. She is sweet and sassy kind of like a Sour Patch Kid. Luckily,
she sleeps all through the night which I am very thankful for! She likes to
play with my roommate's English bull dog who is very tolerant of her biting and
high-pitched barking.
(Person Picture of Ruby)
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