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Reading Notes: Babbitt Jataka Tales, Part A

Hello everyone,
Below you will find a collection of notes from part A of readings from Babbitt Jataka Tales.

The Monkey and the Crocodile
The crocodile wanted to trick the monkey into riding on his back to get to the island of the water with ripe fruit. The crocodile's mom wanted to eat the heart of the monkey. The monkey tricks the crocodile and escapes.

How the turtle saves his own life
The princes of a king went to a lake that their father had gotten made for them. The princes encountered a turtle who they thought was a demon. The princes told the king and the king ordered his men to catch the turtle. The king's men threw the turtle in the river because the one of the king's men thought that would be a horrible death for the turtle. The turtle survived.

The Merchant of Seri
A golden bowl belonged to a little girl's grandfather but the family did not know what the bowl was worth. Two merchants stopped by the house and the girl begged for a new bowl from her grandmother. The grandmother was willing to trade her husband's old bowl. The first merchant knew it was gold but threw it on the ground hoping he could cheat out the family. The second merchant told the family it was gold and paid the family for the bowl.

The Turtle Who Couldn't Stop Talking
Two geese visited a turtle at a pond. The geese told the turtle about the pond they they hung out at and the turtle really wanted to go. The geese held a stick in their mouths and told the turtle to bite on with his mouth. The geese told the turtle not to talk, but he talked and fell to his death.

The Ox Who Won the Forfeit
A man betted to a town that his ox could move a lot, more than what the people of the town thought the ox could move. The man was mean to his ox and the ox wasn't used to the man being mean so it didn't move. The man lost the bet. The man apologized to the ox and the next day treated him better and the man betted twice as much as the day before and won.

(Illustration from The Ox Who Won the Forfeit)

Merchants traveled in the sandy desert. They could not travel during the heat of the day because the sand would get too hot. So they would travel at night time. Every night they would use their water to make dinner and give to their ox. On the last night of their travel they decided to throw out the water. On the last day of their travel the pilot decided to sleep. Because of this everyone got turned around and they went in a circle instead of in the direction they were supposed to go. Everyone was without water. 

Jataka Tales by Ellen C. Babbitt


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