Overall, I would rate the quality of my feedback fairly high. I have been getting great comments about ways that I could clarify or make my stories better and I have also been getting detailed comments about why people like my stories or posts. I am finding the comments that give me suggestions for what else I could do to make my stories better very useful and I have been applying those comments to my stories as well.
I think that I would rate the comments that I have been leaving well. Every post I describe what I liked and enjoyed about it and specifically for story comments I leave comments about what I think would be helpful for the writer to clarify for the readers or what I think would be a good idea to add to the story. I have also gotten some great ideas from other people. For example, as I was looking through other people's portfolios I saw a portfolio with a title that I thought was fantastic! I was struggling trying to figure out what to title my portfolio or if I should stick with a common theme. I saw a portfolio that said that it was a collection of their favorite stories they have written for Indian Epics.
The introduction posts were really helpful with finding out what people are like. When I read people's story's I often go back to their introduction post to remember who exactly the person is. And if I haven't commented on their introduction post yet I make a mental note to go back and comment on that person's introduction post for extra credit. After reading back through my own introduction post I think I did a good job at describing who I am as a student and my interests but I think I could have probably added more fun facts about myself. One person in the class put together a bulleted list of fun facts and I really liked how they did that!
Looking forward I think I need to give more detailed comments about what I think would be good additions to their stories or even my own thoughts about the event or character my peer is writing about. I know it would help me to see what other people think about the topic I am writing on. Right now I am happy with the appearance of my blog but I think I need to play around with the appearance of my portfolio.
So far this is my favorite cat feedback meme. Feedback is a useful tool because it allows people to let you know what elements you might be missing or what elements you could expand on. Feedback has the potential to make good writing even better.
I think that I would rate the comments that I have been leaving well. Every post I describe what I liked and enjoyed about it and specifically for story comments I leave comments about what I think would be helpful for the writer to clarify for the readers or what I think would be a good idea to add to the story. I have also gotten some great ideas from other people. For example, as I was looking through other people's portfolios I saw a portfolio with a title that I thought was fantastic! I was struggling trying to figure out what to title my portfolio or if I should stick with a common theme. I saw a portfolio that said that it was a collection of their favorite stories they have written for Indian Epics.
The introduction posts were really helpful with finding out what people are like. When I read people's story's I often go back to their introduction post to remember who exactly the person is. And if I haven't commented on their introduction post yet I make a mental note to go back and comment on that person's introduction post for extra credit. After reading back through my own introduction post I think I did a good job at describing who I am as a student and my interests but I think I could have probably added more fun facts about myself. One person in the class put together a bulleted list of fun facts and I really liked how they did that!
Looking forward I think I need to give more detailed comments about what I think would be good additions to their stories or even my own thoughts about the event or character my peer is writing about. I know it would help me to see what other people think about the topic I am writing on. Right now I am happy with the appearance of my blog but I think I need to play around with the appearance of my portfolio.
So far this is my favorite cat feedback meme. Feedback is a useful tool because it allows people to let you know what elements you might be missing or what elements you could expand on. Feedback has the potential to make good writing even better.
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