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Week 7 Planning: Drona

In this blog post I will outline my story and brain storm elements that I will use for my story during week eight.

The character Drona stood out to me because he was the person who trained all of the princes, both the Pandavas brothers and the Kauravas brothers. In the episode "Drona Trains the Princes" of the Mahabharata, Drona promises to train the princes as long as they promise Drona to help him defeat his enemy, Drupada.

In my story for week eight I think I am going to keep with the main idea of the story but drop the Mahabharata details. I might even use different names of the characters as well. I will tell a story about a tutor and his students. The tutor will teach the students throughout their entire academic career and train them to be strong academically.

The tutor will choose a subject that his students will really want to excel in, such a biology or science. One day the tutor will explain to his students that when they become the smartest people in that subject they will have to help him win an award that he lost years ago because his friend betrayed him.

That's how I will tie everything into the Mahabharata. In the Mahabharata Drona asks the brothers for his help to seek revenge on his enemy after he teaches them and in my story the tutor will ask the students to help him seek revenge on an old friend that wronged him trying to win a specific award.

In my story I think I will make the students be brothers as well. Maybe even adopted brothers to go along with the original story. The brothers could have a problem with each other like in the original story or I could make them all get along to make it different from the original story.

Here is some other information about Drona that I found on Wikipedia:

  • Avatar of Brihaspati (sage who counsels gods) 
  • Master of military arts
  • Master of divine weapons
  • Drona starts his own school and teaches the Kuru princes which is how he ends up also teaching the Kauravas and Pandvadas 
  • Out of all of those who Drona teaches Ajurna ends up being the most dedicated student of his and even exceeds Drona's own son
  • Drona loved Ajurna more than anyone

Indian Myth and Legend by Donald A. Mackenzie


  1. I think this is a really neat idea for a story and I look forward to reading it! In your brainstorming about having it be about a tutor and students who pledge to help their tutor win an award, I kept thinking about Rosalind Franklin as the tutor, out to seek revenge on Watson and Crick! I don't know how familiar you are with these scientists, but basically Franklin is the one who discovered the double helical structure of DNA and Watson and Crick stole her work and barely credited her. She later published, but it was after Watson and Crick had already received recognition. Sorry for the tangent, but that's what your story reminded me of!


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