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Week 6 Story: Hi, my name is Ravana.

UPDATED Version of this story can be found here.

February 9, 2018

Hi, my name is Ravana. Some might know me as the demon king, because that's my nickname. I don't like it when people call me that though. It triggers the rage that lives deep inside of me.

Some people say I live with multiple personalities disorder. I don't see it though. My therapist says it's like I have ten different brains all telling me to do different things and twenty arms grabbing in different directions.

Sometimes I have bad days and sometimes I have good days, like today. My therapists tells me that when one of my others brains take over the main personality of Ravana, me falls into a deep sleep so I don't know what my body is doing.

My therapist told me to keep a journal of my thoughts when I'm me. Or rather when the other brains aren't taking over. So here it is.

Today marks two weeks since I served my 10 year penance in training to learn how to control my personalities. I feel stronger and more invincible than I ever have before. I am prepared to conquer the world.

Throughout the past two weeks I have been focusing on my music. Most people don't know this about me but I love to make music. I am a master of the veena a string instrument. I became so in turned with the veena during my 10 year penance that I learned how to make one. I call it Ravana Veena.

February 12, 2018

Hi, my name is Ravana. I did something really bad yesterday. I had a bad episode. A bad episode that defines the reason why people call me the demon king.

I decided to leave my house and go for a hike in a nature reserve by my house. I took my Ravana Veena with me so I could play some music, one with nature and relax. As I was on my hike enjoying the cool breeze on my face I felt the demon king inside of me take over. After that, I blacked out.

According to Sita, I came up to her on the hiking trail, grabbed her by the arm and took her to my house. Sita was so terrified so she did what I said. Apparently I was telling her that I loved her and I wanter her to become my wife and I wouldn't let her leave until she said yes.

Sita is married though. Sita told me her husband Rama would find her and he would kill me. A couple of days have gone by and I am me again. I feel so bad about what I did, but I can't let her go home because she will get me in trouble, or worse Rama will kill me.

To make everything worse I also lost my Ravana Veena. Now, I can't make music. I don't know what to do.

To be continued...

Author's Note:
This story is based on the Ramayana. Ravana is the demon king in Ramayana. He kidnapped Sita, the wife of Rama in order to get back at Rama for cutting off the ears and nose of his sister Shrupanakha. When people read Ramayana, they think of Ravana only as a demon, but surprisingly he has many qualities that aren't necessarily demon-like. Ravana likes to play the ancient string instrument, the veena. Ravana also never forces Sita to do anything. Kidnapping Sita was still a bad thing, but he never hurt her. I decided to model Ravana's personality disorder out his appearance. Ravana has ten heads and twenty arms and he is musically inclined.

Ramayana PDE edition.
Sita Sings the Blues from YouTube


  1. Chelsea, the touch to make the story from Ravana's physical form project into his mental state was very intriguing. The multiple personality disorder explaining the many different behaviors he expresses was a great idea, and really put a new meaning the the character. Furthermore, it allowed you to delve even deeper into his psyche and motivations, providing a narrative completely absent in the readings we have had, giving the reader a new way of enjoying these stories.

  2. Hello Chelsea!
    I loved the way you recreated Ravana to have multiple personality disorder, especially since his physical form has 10 heads. With 10 different heads it would make sense to have 10 different personalities. I also loved how you gave him a sweet side that regrets what he did to help explain why he would kidnap a woman and not hurt her. Thanks for the good read!

  3. Hey Chelsea, I always enjoy stories where the author changes the personality of the villain and humanizes him. I also liked how you invisioned Ravana having multiple personality disorder. It helps account for his irrationally angry behavior in The Ramayana compared to his previous behavior where the gods blessed him. Good story, I cannot wait to come back and read more!


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