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Week 3 Story: The Encounter with the Beast

On a sunny and warm Sunday morning, Brothers Harry and Henry were taking a nice walk with Harry's wife in a neighborhood next to theirs. They talked and laughed like any family members would do on a leisure filled Sunday morning.

In the distance Harry's wife noticed something weird. A patch in the sky was gloomy and black, unlike the sky all above them. Curiously, Harry, Henry and Harry's wife walked towards the direction of the dark patch in the sky.

The weather became chilly and gave them all goose bumps. Something was off. It was as if sadness and death has taken over the area that was just under the dark sky. But the three were still intrigued so they continued to walk towards the dark sky.

Suddenly there was a loud booming noise and out from a patch of trees a creature slowly emerged and its bright red eyes stared straight at them.

"Don't move..." whispered Henry.

"We need to run..." Harry whispered back.

From the shock of seeing the beast, Harry's wife passed out. As quick as a bolt of lightning the beast reached its long hairy arms towards them, picked up Harry's wife, threw her over its shoulder and ran away.

Harry and Henry stood there in shock as the beast carried Harry's wife away. The beast was unlike anything they had ever seen before. It had black fur like a bear, piercing red eyes, a face like a lion, and tusks like an elephant. Its arms were like a gorilla's with fingers and thumbs but it moved stealthily like a cheetah.

After what had happened finally registered with Harry and Henry they began to run. They ran as fast as they could towards the creature carrying Harry's wife away. On the way they stopped at someone's house whose garage was wide open and took some of their lawn tools as weapons.

Harry held an axe and Henry held a gas powered chainsaw. They could barely see the beast in the distance so they had to catch up with it.

The beast finally slowed down and Harry and Henry approached it with their weapons. They figured that the weapons would scare it away but nothing happened. It stood up on its hind legs and stared at them straight in their eyes again.

Harry's wife was still slung over its shoulder passed out. Harry approached the beast and started swinging his axe at the beast but nothing happened. It was as if the beast was indestructible. They could tell the beast was starting to get angry so Henry turned on his chain saw and tried attacking it, but the chain saw wouldn't penetrate its skin.

Its skin was like armor. Henry screamed at the top of his lungs trying to get the beast to drop his wife, but the beast didn't respond. It was almost as if the beast thought it was funny that they were trying to attack it.

Harry got an idea and pulled Henry aside so the beast couldn't hear them. Harry thought that it might be a good idea to lure him into a trap. The beast had finally put Harry's wife down so they just needed it to get away from her.

Henry went away on the other side of a group of trees and started to dig a hole. He dug a hole big enough to where the beast wouldn't be able to escape. In the meantime, Harry called for help and rounded up a group of people to lure the beast into the hole so they could then pour wet concrete on top of it to try and suffocate it.

Finally, everything was put into place and it was well into the night time at this point. Harry's wife was beginning to gain consciousness so they had to now move quickly to get the beast into the hole.

Henry and Harry began poking and annoying the beast with their weapons until the beast became so angry it ran after them. Henry and Harry took him right to the hole and all the people helping them poured the concrete on top of him.

Henry's wife was all ok after the encounter with the beast and Henry and Harry became town heroes.

Author's Note: This story is based off of an episode called "Viradha" from The Ramayana by Manmatha Nath Dutt. The episode is about brothers Rama and Lakshmana and Rama's wife Sita who were exiled from their kingdom and living in a forest. Rama and Lakshmana battle with a demon named Viradha who took Sita. Viradha cannot be killed with sharp weapons so Rama and Lakshmana have to get creative and outsmart the demon. They dig a hole and Viradha dies in the hole.

I decided to base the story that I wrote off of the battle that Rama and Lakshmana have with Viradha.

Bibliography: The Ramayana, translated by Manmatha Nath Dutt. Web Source.


  1. Hi Chelsea! I loved how creative you were with this piece. Your formatting was really well done. The unnameable creature was a really nice touch to the story, you really have good writing skills and I definitely wish I could write more like you. Also, the passed out wife part was really funny. The story turned out great! I cannot wait to see what more you have in your bag.

    - Mansi Patel

  2. WOW! This is awesome! I am so glad that I clicked on your blog in the blog stream. The first thing that stood out to me was the 'trap hole' picture that you posted for your picture! I thought this would be a post about Yu-Gi-Oh! lol

    Anyways, I appreciate how creative you got in your retelling of this story! This gives me a lot of encouragement because a big reason why I decided to take this class is because i wanted to improveo n my creative writing skills and reading this story really inspires me to do just that!

    Thanks once again and I look forwards to reading more from you!

  3. Hi Chelsea! I like how you started off the scene; it gives me a very calm and relaxing feeling as I’m getting into the story. I also liked that you changed the names of the brothers because what I found difficult at times when reading the Ramayana was that I would stumble over a lot of the names or word that I didn’t know so it would take time to google what each word meant. Your word choice makes the writing flow very nicely. Have you considered giving Harry’s wife a name too instead of calling her Harry’s wife? I enjoyed reading your dialogue and the separate paragraphs do a great job of showing a pause between each action. The descriptive imagery you use is so vivid that I can imagine the scenes perfectly such as the “black fur like a bear, piercing red eyes, a face like a lion, and tusks like an elephant.” I really enjoyed your take on the story and hope to read more of your stories soon!


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