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My Time Strategies

 Managing my time is something that I feel 100% confident about. Since I was in middle school my friends have been making fun of how organized I am. My notebooks are labeled, my stationary is separated, my planner is color-coded, etc. It might seem too organized for some people but it's what has always worked for me.

I picked the article "The Myth of 'Too Busy'" by Tim Grahl to read. I thought this article was really interesting because that is something that I use a lot. I am always "too busy" to do something. I often put things aside, especially social things aside because I feel like I am too busy with other things like school work to do something, when in reality I really didn't prioritize my time well. That is something that I need to work on this semester. I am approaching the end of my college career and I need to make more time for my friends. There is always enough time I just need to manage my free-time better.

The other article I read was "The Psychology of Checklists" by Lauren Marchese. I related a lot to this article because lists are something that I have found very useful. I enjoy using lists because when I complete something off the list I can visually see the amount of things I need to do get smaller. It honestly keeps my stress levels down.

I always enjoy starting a new semester because I enjoy finding out how I can make my schedule and manage my time in the way that causes me the least amount of stress. Something that I have found that really helps me is keeping two sets of calendars. I keep one physical planner where I write out exactly what my plans are for every day of the week, including the assignments I will accomplish each day. I also keep an online calendar which is shared between all of my electronic devices so I can see when assignments are due and which days I am busy doing other things.


  1. That is another really cute gif, Chelsea; I have not seen that one before. I read an article just the other day recommending that combination of a paper planner and a digital one like you described here. For me, my schedule is actually so simple that I can just use an online calendar: I am really lucky that all the classes I teach are online, so I can organize the schedule in a way that is really flexible.
    And by working ahead like this in class, you will be able to do the assignments whenever it is convenient for you, not even having to worry about the Canvas deadlines!

  2. Chelsea, I really enjoyed reading about the Myth of Being Too Busy. Especially in college, this is a lie that we all tend to get wrapped up in. It's a big reality check when you realize that you aren't "too busy" you just managed your time poorly. It's also important to let yourself relax and have fun rather than congest your life with being "too busy". Great post!


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